* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The Personal Ancestral File Viewer for Windows * * * * Version 1.1 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Thank you for taking a look at the PAF Viewer for Windows. I hope you find it useful. What is the PAF Viewer for Windows? This is a very simple program which will allow Windows users to look at their PAF data without having to run a DOS application, like PAF. You can't change any PAF information, just look at it and print it. Why should I use the PAF Viewer for Windows? The Windows environment gives PAF Viewer several advantages. 1) You can open several instances of PAF Viewer. This means that you could open five or ten different windows, each looking at a different place in you PAF data or even looking at different PAF databases. 2) You can stretch the windows to any size. If you'd like to view six generations at a time you can maximize the window so all the information is visible. If you only need to see two or three generations, then you can make the window much smaller and place it out of your way. 3) The pedigree report looks much nicer than PAF's. If you have Windows 3.1 (or you're using Windows 3.0 with a PostScript printer) the pedigree report will look like the actual LDS printed form. I'm quite proud of how nice the printout looks, in fact, I believe that this is the main reason you should use my program. What is included in the PAF Viewer package? You should have three files: 1) PAFW.EXE The PAF Viewer program 2) BCCW.DLL This file is necessary and should be in the same directory as PAFW.EXE (or anywhere on your path). 3) README.TXT This file you are reading What's coming up? Right now I am working on Cascading Pedigree charts and Family Group Sheets. These enhancements will be included in version 1.2. I may think of a few other enhancements, but the ability to print Family Group Sheets is the biggest. What about other enhancements? I would love to hear your suggestions for improvements. If there is a way that I can make PAFVW better, please let me know. If you could provide me with a detailed description of what you'd like to have, I'd be happy to include it in a future version. What about bugs? Also, if you've found a problem with PAFVW and think that it's a bug, please send me all pertinent information and I will try to correct it. If you're having printing problems, please send me a sample print out. How do I get in touch with you? The best way to send a message to me is via CompuServe Mail. Please send CompuServe Mail directly to my personal account. Don't just post a message in the Roots forum, I may never see it. My CompuServe ID is: 70761,2005. If you are not a CompuServe member, you can just send me a letter. I know it's not very high tech, but it works. U.S. Mail: George Lawrence 20326 Saticoy #8 Winnetka, CA 91306 How do I get the latest version? There are a few ways to get the latest version of PAFVW: 1) If you are a member of CompuServe, you can GO ROOTS and download the file PAFVW.ZIP. It will always be the latest version. 2) You may write me directly for a copy. Please send a blank disk and a SASDM (Self Addressed, Stamped, Disk Mailer). If you don't have a blank disk and disk mailer, you may simply enclose a check for $5.00 and I will mail a disk to you. Oh yeah, one last thing: Feel free to give PAFVW to all your friends, post it on boards, etc. PAFVW is freely redistributable. See the legal stuff below. Again, thanks for using the PAF Viewer for Windows. Hope to hear from you soon, -- George Lawrence ============================================================================= IMPORTANT LEGAL INFORMATION ============================================================================= TRADEMARK NOTICE: The Personal Ancestral File (PAF) is a registered trademark of the Corporation of the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS CHURCH). The PAF Viewer for Windows (PAFVW) is not a part of the PAF software package and has no affiliation with the LDS CHURCH. COPYRIGHT NOTICE: The PAF Viewer for Windows (PAFVW) is owned by George Lawrence (AUTHOR), and is protected by United State copyright laws and international treaty provisions. You are granted the use of PAFVW and the permission to freely redistribute PAFVW as long as you adhere to the following provisions: - You must not attempt to sell, rent, lease, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, of create other derivative works of any kind from PAFVW. - If a fee is charged for the service of redistribution, the total fee must not exceed $5.00 US, including all associated goods, such as the cost of diskettes and postage. - You must not alter PAFVW in any way, including any alteration of this readme text file. YOUR RIGHTS AS A USER: The PAF Viewer for Windows (PAFVW) is made available to you AS IS, with no warranty of any kind. AUTHOR does not warrant that PAFVW will meet your requirements, that the operation of PAFVW will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that any errors in PAFVW will be corrected. AUTHOR is not responsible for problems caused by changes in the operating characteristics of computer hardware or computer operating systems which are made after the installation of PAFVW nor for problems in the interaction of PAFVW with other software. No oral or written information or advice given by AUTHOR shall be construed to create a warranty of any kind. In no event will AUTHOR be liable to you for any special, consequential, indirect or similar damages, including any lost profits or lost data arising out of the use or inability to use PAFVW even if AUTHOR has been advised of the possibility of such damages, or for any claims by any other party. ============================================================================= VERSION HISTORY ============================================================================= Version 1.0 Released: Initial Release Version 1.1 Released: 5/26/92 Enhancements: *Status bar changed to a light gray background *Ability to type any directory in the Open dialog box *Goto RIN dialog box now shows range of valid RINs *Printed pedigree charts now show: - First, middle and last names - Spouse of #1 - Preparer information - Date prepared ============================================================================= MY RECOMMENDATIONS ============================================================================= Use Windows 3.1: The TrueType fonts will make the pedigree chart printout look MUCH nicer. Use a disk cache: SMARTDRV from Microsoft is a good one, I use Norton's NCACHE. If you don't like using Windows, try using a different shell. I've found that using the Norton Desktop for Windows makes using Windows much easier.